Love Poems Are Mostly Crap
So you know those generic lovey dovey poems right?
Each moment of every day
I’m wasting my life away
Every second is pain
Because I sometimes wonder if you even know my name
That sort of thing
Who actually says that?
Does anyone actually “FEEL” that way?
I mean, a poem is good any day
But if it’s empty
It doesn’t matter how much your heart sings
How much joy that person brings
Because why do we call them “sweet nothings”?
It seems ridiculous and really cheesy
And more often than not, it’s actually really easy
You just say whatever you think will make you sound like Shakespeare
Anything to bring out a lasting tear
Anything that makes someone even remotely feel
Makes them register that these words are real
I sometimes take the tip of my pen and let it run
Let this dagger bleed my feelings till I’m done
Then when I return to reality
Actually facing the brutality
That brings the hurt and mortality
I realize
I’m a liar
The worse kind too
Gentle words flow from my tongue
But they are poison, a verbal death emitting from my lung
I have many ways of killing myself slowly
Each more potent than the last
All fit for the task
But words, they are my weapon of choice
For what better way to die, than by my own voice?
As I speak softly, discretely
Hoping that one day you might hear me
“Don’t worry I’m totally fine” I might say
Keeping up that “totally fine” display
I let the poison seep further into my veins
The lack of notice, the absence of disdain
Every care you manage to spend on me
Brings that much more agony...
See this is the kind of crap I’m talking about
This is the unrealistic hurt that some like to spout
I mean yeah we are hurting
Many times quite badly
But there is no reason for you to pin murder on the one you love so madly
There’s a point I’m attempting to make
That despite all your sorrow and heartache
You idle and wait
Never bother to ask them out on a date
Nothing at all... until it’s too late
You fear their love and fear their touch
But damn it, GO GET THEM if you care so much
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