Do you know what moments I love most?
I love the moments when no one knows what lies ahead
When everyone is a collective mass of uncertainty
When there are no expectations to fulfill or verify
Only an unknown to await
I love the moments
Where we stand still
Breath bated, reserved
Contrasted by the unstillness within our bodies
The pounding in our chests
Can’t you love the moments when we are lost?
In the blind fog, there are no leaders, no followers
Everyone is just the same
A body, somebody
There is no knowing, there is only a void
Quiet, not frightening, just empty
I don’t love the moments of solitude
The loneliness of it all, divided lines and asymmetry
Why are your shapes so much more pointed than mine?
Why are there so many sides to your figure?
Existential, of or relating to existence
Do we not share that trait? That we exist?